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    Barbra Lica
    Barbra Lica3 months ago
    Hey friends!

    Just popping in to say that if you were looking for last minute tickets to this weekend's Spring Fling at Beach United Church, there's a discount code. Type in FRIENDS25 at checkout for 25% off your tickets! Hope to see you there. It's gonna be the sophomore appearance of my trio with Tom Fleming on guitar, Will Fisher - Musician on drums, and myself on keys. Any song requests?

    Barbra Lica
    Barbra Lica4 months ago
    Oh man!! From the Pacific to the Atlantic and finally back home. Thanks to everyone in Alaska and Newfoundland who came out to see us play!! If you're in Toronto and feeling left out, here's what I'm up to in April:

    April 11: I'll be one of over 100 artists raising money for The Unison Fund at The Old Mill as part of Jaymz Bee's Caravan of Music. It's only $40 for a seriously crazy lineup that plays from 8 pm to midnight. I'll be in the Kingsbrook Room with Sammy Jackson where we'll each do a set, myself with the full quintet (Joel Visentin- keys, Will Fisher - Musician- drums, Tom Fleming - guitar, Mark Godfrey - bass) at 9 pm, and Sammy with a trio (Tom Fleming - guitar, Ian Wright - drums) at 10:30 pm. This is a wacky event for a very good cause so do come out if you can make it:

    April 16: I'll be playing a few songs solo as part of Ian Fisher's "Acoustic Tuesdays" in the round event. Join Ian Fisher, Rebekah Hawker, Hilary Watson, and me for a very intimate evening of songs and stories at Toronto's legendary Cameron House. I've always wanted to play this place and now I finally will...maybe I'll finally perform that vulgar song I wrote about that super mean arts presenter...but I'll probably chicken out.

    April 27: Dear East Enders, I'll be at Beach United Church with my trio (Tom Fleming - guitar, Will Fisher - drums) as a guest artist for their Spring Fling event. You can hear us AND a set from the Beach United Church Choir for $40 ($15 for children). It's gonna be soooo nice!
    Barbra Lica
    Barbra Lica4 months ago
    Looking back at a beautiful experience with the Developing Artist Program (aka. The "Dappers") at Folk Music Ontario this past fall. It really was a good place to be.
    Barbra Lica
    "I Must Be in a Good Place Now" written by Bobby CharlesBarbra Lica (Vocals, Piano)